Primary Objectives
1. Primary Objectives: All activities and discussions shall align with FEGOCOOSA’s registered constitution.
Respectful Conduct and Privacy
2. Respectful Conduct for All: Show due respect to all members, particularly elders and public office holders, while maintaining mutual respect among all members. Avoid flaming, insulting, or using foul language towards others.
3. Privacy and Reputation: Do not abuse or encourage the abuse of others’ reputation, and refrain from sharing association content outside without approval. No use of the Association platform for personal vendettas or to attack others’ integrity.
4. Religious Neutrality: Refrain from advocating religious supremacy or excessively posting religious content, except for academic purposes.
Meetings and Content Management
5. Lifelong Learning Meetings: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are designated for Knowledge Sharing Sessions.
6. Interruption of LLM: Avoid posting during Lifelong Learning Meetings unless necessary for emergency news, and follow moderator instructions.
7. Content Sensitivity: Refrain from posting obscene content, phishing links, or spam.
8. Relevant Posting: Be considerate of others’ time and needs by posting relevant content.
Respect for Administrators and Membership
9. Respect for Administrators: Avoid openly challenging or arguing with administrators; channel grievances through private messages or the Ethics & Privileges Committee.
10. Membership Privilege: Membership is a privilege, not a right; do not share forum content or account information with non-members.
11. Single Account Policy: Maintain only one forum account and refrain from creating backups or alternatives.
12. Membership Requests: Requests to add members should be made directly to administrators, not publicly in the forum.
General Conduct and Enforcement
13. Freedom of Expression: Respect the freedom of expression of all members, except when breaching ground rules.
14. Awareness of Ground Rules: All members are presumed to be aware of and bound by the ground rules, as posted by administrators.
15. Voluntary Exit: Members may voluntarily exit the forum, ensuring courteous communication with other members or administrators.
16. Complaints Procedure: File complaints directly to administrators for breaches of ground rules, with prompt resolution and communication of decisions.
17. Custodianship of Ground Rules: All members are custodians of the ground rules, while administrators enforce and maintain records of breaches.
18. Post Evaluation: Administrators may occasionally evaluate posts for compliance with rules, considering input from forum members.
Sanctions for breaches include warnings, requests for apologies, fines, suspensions, and expulsion, applied progressively by the admins based on the severity and recurrence of violations. Appeals can be made to the Ad-hoc Disciplinary Committee, with final decisions prioritizing the constitution, ground rules, and forum integrity. Multiple breaches within a day are treated as a single breach, except for breaches of different provisions in one event. Voluntarily exited members may be readmitted at the discretion of administrators.
Thanks for your continued cooperation and support.
Pro Unitate!!!.
FEGOCOOSA Executive Team